Many menopausal symptoms are easier to treat than you might think. You just need to know how! Subscribe for free and receive our ultimate menopause guide. Menopause specialist Suzanne Rouhard helps you understand your body and its needs, discusses the three stages of menopause and gives advice on common symptoms.
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You can alleviate your symptoms in several ways, even if you think they just come with the territory. You can already alleviate many symptoms with a healthy diet, adequate exercise and relaxation. Consult your doctor to find out which nutritional supplements or medications can help if the above tips do not produce the desired results. More on treatments.
Generally, a changing menstrual pattern is the first sign of menopause. Additionally, women in perimenopause often experience hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal issues. It's common for symptoms to come in multiples, with most women experiencing an average of three (or more) menopause symptoms. But remember: every menopause is different. Some symptoms can also appear before any changes in your menstrual cycle are noticeable. Learn more about the symptoms.
Our recommendations are based on scientific research and always reviewed by an independent Medical Advisory Board. This is how we help you navigate the menopausal transition safely and responsibly.