Alleviate menopausal symptoms?

Premium supplements and personalised advice from a doctor.
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Discover the SeeMe-nopause app

Now available for Android and iOS. Menopause support, wherever and whenever you need it. Science-backed information with tips from experts, honest personal experiences, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and other medications, prescribed by a doctor.

From menopause to play

Scientific research shows that navigating perimenopause and menopause can be a smoother journey. We offer practical tips and bring you the latest insights in plain language. There are many things you can do to alleviate your menopausal symptoms. Get started with tips from our experts, find out how supplements can enhance your well-being, or get advice from a doctor on medical interventions such as hormone therapy.

I've been on hormone therapy for six months. 90% of my joint pain is gone, I have no more vaginal dryness, and I'm sleeping better than I have in years. - Linda (age 49)

Expert tips and personal experiences

Meet our doctors and specialists

Experienced doctors and specialists can help you navigate menopause safely and responsibly. Thanks to their expertise and knowledge, they know exactly what women need to take charge of their health and manage challenges – or when they are suffering needlessly. You have more options that you might think. Meet our expert team.


Who is SeeMe-nopause?

SeeMe-nopause was founded on the initiative of a group of women and is part of the eHealth Ventures Group, a leading organisation specialising in digital health solutions with platforms in 14 countries. 

With a team of doctors and menopause specialists, we provide access to information and supplements. We will also offer medicinal products and therapies in the near future. Our goal is to give women the tools they need to not only survive but thrive through perimenopause and beyond. More about us

How can I order products or treatments?

With SeeMe-nopause, you can treat your menopausal symptoms at home. Select the treatment you need and complete the medical questionnaire. Once we receive your request, it will be reviewed by a doctor within 48 hours. The resulting prescription will be forwarded to a partner pharmacy. They will deliver your product to your home free of charge within 3-5 working days. During treatment, the doctor will contact you to see how the treatment is going. You are welcome to ask any questions.

How do I know if the information you provide is reliable?

Our recommendations are based on scientific research and always reviewed by an independent Medical Advisory Board. This is how we help you navigate the menopausal transition safely and responsibly. 

How can SeeMe-nopause help me?

SeeMe-nopause helps you feel optimistic through menopause:

  • Holistic approach to menopause: medical support, dietary supplements, nutritional tips and healthy lifestyle tips
  • Online counselling by a doctor within 48 hours with online support during your treatment
  • Competent, personal and with the convenience of in-home treatment.
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