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Menopausal symptoms

Up to 80 percent of women experience various menopause-related symptoms. These symptoms can be overwhelming and make daily life difficult. In one in three women, the symptoms interfere with their work performance. We want you to know that whatever discomfort you're experiencing, there's almost certainly a solution. You have the right to feel healthy, also during this stage of your life. It is essential to be aware of menopausal symptoms and to take the necessary steps in a timely manner to reduce the impact on your daily life.

Products for menopause relief

Select your preferred treatment, complete the medical questionnaire, and receive medical advice and a doctor's prescription within 48 hours. The pharmacy will ship your order within three to five working days.

I didn’t feel like myself anymore. After having tried so many different things without the slightest success, I chose to try medication. I should have done so years ago! - Lies (age 56)

Menopausal symptoms vary from individual to individual

After going through menopause you may feel different than you did before. However, each woman's experience is different. The menopausal transition may affect the length of your menstrual cycle, either making it shorter or longer. Some women have sleep issues before they hit menopause, other women after. 

Menopausal symptoms are unique for each woman, and the severity of your symptoms will vary depending on the stage of menopause you are in. Environmental factors, such as stress or your blood sugar level, can also trigger certain symptoms. 

Alleviate your menopausal symptoms

No woman's experience of the menopausal transition is the same. Fine-tuning what your body needs is a personal process. Supplements and (medicinal) products can provide the necessary support and promote your health at this stage of your life. View our products and discover how we can help you.

Natural ways to support yourself

Are you experiencing menopausal symptoms and looking for natural support? Then Menoprime is your natural companion during this stage of your life. Menoprime has been scientifically developed to reduce hot flashes, irritability and sleep problems and restore your sex drive. This hormone-free, plant-based supplement is available in convenient tablet form.  

*Health claims pending approval by the European Commission.  

Products for menopausal symptoms

Up to the age of 40, your body takes care of you. After 40, it's your job to take care of your body.

Typical and atypical menopausal symptoms

The menopausal transition can come with a variety of symptoms, but not every symptom can be attributed to it. Typical symptoms are symptoms that are menopause related and caused by hormonal fluctuations. Atypical symptoms can be caused by different underlying conditions.  

Three typical menopausal symptoms are: changes in your usual menstrual pattern, hot flashes (and night sweats) and dryness of mucous membranes (dry vagina and/or dry mouth). These symptoms are caused by a fluctuation or decrease of sex hormones in women before and after menopause. 

 All other symptoms are what we call 'atypical symptoms'. Symptoms such as irritability or mood swings can be related to hormonal imbalances but may also be caused by other factors, such as stress, or a combination of factors. There is not necessarily a direct link. 


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