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Treatments for menopausal symptoms

Each woman's body is different and when it comes to the menopausal transition, no woman's journey is the same. There is no one-size-fits-all solution – what helps you go through the transition more smoothly depends on your situation. But one thing is sure: there are many options. You have a lot more control over your menopausal health than you might think.

Woman in menopause reading

Medical treatments

Good health begins with a balanced lifestyle and a healthy diet. This also applies to your menopausal health. Sometimes, however, more support is needed. If supplements or dietary and lifestyle adjustments do not provide sufficient relief, medical interventions such as weight loss medication or hormone therapy may be needed to reduce your symptoms.  

For millions of women, HRT has been a lifesaver. It has helped them take control of their symptoms and regain their vitality, energy and zest for life. In short, after a few months on HRT most women start to feel more like their old self again. 

What products or medicines are best for you depends on your situation and menopausal symptoms. You can select a treatment based on your symptoms and preferences. A doctor will review your order and the medical questionnaire you completed to ensure the preferred treatment meets your needs. If the doctor gives you a thumbs up, then your order will be shipped to your home by one of our partner pharmacies. If not, another product that suits your needs better may be recommended.

Hot flashes, a short fuse, weight gain, and always tired. This was my life before HRT. Apart from some initial side effects, I feel like my old self again. - Anita (age 57)

Hormone replacement therapy


Your body needs nutrients to function properly. They fuel the body with energy to be able to do everyday tasks and to ensure bodily functions, such as the production of hormones, remain optimal. 

As you go through the menopausal transition, certain vitamins and minerals can help you stay healthy. For example, calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D play a crucial role in bone renewal, and omega-3 fatty acids are indispensable for keeping your hormones balanced, reducing inflammation and controlling your blood pressure. More about supplements and how to use them. 

We work together with Solgar® so you get the best supplements on the market. For 75 years, Solgar® has been creating the finest nutritional supplements using only natural ingredients.  

Recommended products

Diet and lifestyle

A healthy diet, regular exercise and daily relaxation are all essential for keeping your body healthy. A healthy body allows you to do the things you enjoy and live a fulfilling life, without discomfort. 

This is important during every phase of life but especially in the years leading up to and around menopause. During this transition period, your body needs fuel to deal with its changing environment. Recent studies show that diet and lifestyle play a major role in maintaining a healthy hormone balance, and in alleviating and preventing menopausal symptoms. 

Your diet should be rich in good fats and dietary cholesterol. Cholesterol is vital for your body because you need it to make cells and hormones. Are hot flashes making your life uncomfortable? Then it helps to avoid coffee, alcohol, sugar and stress. 

What adjustments you should make depends on your situation. Every woman is different, every body is different and every menopausal journey is unique. Therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Discover practical tips and recommendations based on scientific research. Find out what you can do. 

Is hormone therapy an option?

Hormone therapy supplements the body with hormones that are lost during the menopausal transition to alleviate menopausal symptoms. It can help women get through this transition phase more smoothly, comfortably and with more energy. It's best to start hormone therapy as soon as your symptoms begin. Could hormone therapy be an option for you?


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