The transition from menstruation to menopause, also called perimenopause or the menopausal transition, is marked by a period in which your ovaries gradually produce less of the female sex hormones oestrogen and progesterone. This triggers many physical changes, which can be quite overwhelming. Although perfectly normal, this doesn't mean you have to suffer in silence. Quite the contrary! There are many things you do to ease your symptoms.
Menopause does not have to be the end of life as you know it. It can be a special stage in your life, with no or hardly any obstacles.
Are you wondering if you're going through menopause? Take the online menopause test, and in just 2 minutes, you'll know. We'll also provide you with tips and advice on how to navigate this phase of life.
The entire transition from the reproductive to the postreproductive years in a woman’s life consists of several stages. Understanding how this transition works and what is happening to your body is the first step to a happy menopausal journey. First of all, let's talk about these three main stages: perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause.
Menopause is the time that marks the end of your menstrual cycles. It is not a period, but a moment in time. The preceding period is called perimenopause, during which your ovaries gradually produce less female sex hormones. Postmenopause is the final stage and refers to the remainder of a woman's life one year on from her last period. During this period, your body adjusts to the reduced hormone levels and restores balance.
The entire transition, from the first symptoms to postmenopause, lasts between six to 12 years. That's a big difference! It means that no women's experience of the menopausal transition is the same. Here's a fun fact. Did you know that the age your mother hit menopause can help you estimate your own timing? Research has shown that a woman’s mother’s age at menopause appears to be a factor in her own age at menopause.
At first, I was scared to start treatment but I’m happy I did. - Conny (age 52)
Select your preferred treatment, complete the medical questionnaire, and receive medical advice and a doctor's prescription within 48 hours. The pharmacy will ship your order within three to five working days.
Get the tools you need to navigate menopause with more ease and to educate yourself about your body. With tips and insights from experts, and relatable stories of women just like you. Press play, not pause.
Menopause affects different women in different ways. Some women experience few, or no, menopausal symptoms, while others are plagued by life-altering changes that stop them in their tracks. The fact of the matter is that 80 percent of women do experience some kind of symptoms, the most common ones being hot flashes, sleep problems, mood swings and weight gain. Most women experience a variety of symptoms (three or more), and one in three women have severe symptoms that have a significant impact on everyday functioning. So yes, menopausal issues can affect your quality of life. The good news is you can manage your symptoms. There are things you can do to improve your health and feel more like yourself again. SeeMe-nopause can help you with this.
The high-quality supplements of premium brand Solgar have been created using only the finest ingredients, made possible through tireless research. With Solgar, you can be sure you're getting the right support.
The right products and medications can give your body the support it needs as you transition into menopause and beyond. What works best for you depends on your situation and symptoms. View the options, from supplements to medical support from a doctor.
There are different types of hormone therapy. This table clearly shows you the differences. Choose your preferred treatment, fill in the medical questionnaire and you will receive a medical consultation and prescription within 48 hours. The pharmacy will deliver your order within 3 working days.
Select your preferred treatment and complete the accompanying digital medical questionnaire.
A doctor will review your order within 48 hours and forward the prescription to a pharmacy.
Your order will be shipped to your home within three to five working days free of charge.
Generally, a changing menstrual pattern is the first sign of menopause. Additionally, women in perimenopause often experience hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal issues. It's common for symptoms to come in multiples, with most women experiencing an average of three (or more) menopause symptoms. But remember: every menopause is different. Some symptoms can also appear before any changes in your menstrual cycle are noticeable. Learn more about the symptoms.
SeeMe-nopause was founded on the initiative of a group of women and is part of the eHealth Ventures Group, a leading organisation specialising in digital health solutions with platforms in 14 countries.
With a team of doctors and menopause specialists, we provide access to information and supplements. We will also offer medicinal products and therapies in the near future. Our goal is to give women the tools they need to not only survive but thrive through perimenopause and beyond. More about us.
SeeMe-nopause helps you feel optimistic through menopause: