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Mood swings

Mood swings and menopause: what you need to know

One minute I’m sobbing, the next I’m laughing. I can’t seem to control my emotions. - Anna (age 49)

One minute you feel euphoric and the next you may feel that life is not worth living. Or a kind of restlessness slowly creeps up on you. You may feel nervous, irritable, or have uncontrollable crying spells. How do you deal with these mood swings? And what can you do about them?

What is happening in your body?

Menopausal mood swings are caused by hormonal changes. The transition from menstruation to menopause is marked by a period in which your ovaries gradually produce less of the female sex hormone oestrogen. This can throw off the balance of hormones in your body. A hormonal imbalance can affect your brain chemistry. 

For example, oestrogen stimulates the production of the happiness hormone serotonin. Serotonin has a positive effect on mood and emotions, but also helps with digestion and sleep. When oestrogen levels drop, serotonin levels also fall, which contributes to increased irritability, anxiety and sadness. In short, it can make you overly emotional. 

Lack of sleep exasperates these feelings (less time for recovery = less tissue buildup and hormone production), just like stress and an unhealthy diet. 

Hormonal changes can also trigger a variety of menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, sleep problems and mood swings. 

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How to identify mood swings

Mood swings are sudden, dramatic changes (swings) in how you feel at a particular time (mood). In other words, when your mood does a 180 in a span of a few seconds, you’re experiencing a mood swing. Mood swings can make you feel like you're not in control of your emotions or can cause you to not feel like yourself. You can identify mood swings by: 

  • Irritability: you get annoyed easily by small things 
  • Rapid mood changes 
  • Nervousness or restlessness 
  • Crying spells for no apparent reason  
  • Emotional outbursts: small things can make you overly emotional 
  • Impatience 
  • Feeling gloomy or depressed  

You may also feel jittery, restless or unhappy for longer periods of time. It’s also possible that, instead of mood swings, hormonal imbalances cause a constant low mood. 

My mood could change at the drop of a hat and the smallest of things irritated me. I feel like my old self again now that menopause is behind me.

Mood swings during the menopausal transition

Up to 40 percent of women have mood swings during perimenopause, but many don’t realise their symptoms are menopause related. In fact, it is not uncommon for doctors to misdiagnose this menopausal symptom. This is in part because you can start having mood swings before your menstrual pattern changes.  

If your doctor wants to prescribe antidepressants, rather than considering menopause as the culprit behind your moodiness, they should be challenged as to why. The closer to menopause you are, the more your oestrogen level will drop, and thus the less serotonin your brain produces. 

By the way, low oestrogen levels do not necessarily have to lead to mood swings. Every woman is different and every menopausal journey is unique. There are also numerous things you can do to control your mood throughout the day (besides slamming doors). 

What can you do?

Having to deal with mood swings can be draining for you and your loved ones. Temper tantrums, uncontrollable sadness... All these emotions can be overwhelming. Do you no longer recognise the person you've become? 

  • Acknowledging and accepting your emotions is the first step. Realise that your hormones are causing you to feel this way. It can also be helpful to talk with a friend, your partner or other women with similar experiences. 
  • Diet is also important. A lot of your body's serotonin is produced in the gut, so it makes sense to look at what you're eating. What you eat can definitely affect how you feel. Avoid refined carbohydrates and eat 500 grams of fruit and vegetables a day to stabilise your blood sugar. Stable blood sugar contributes to a stable mood. 
  • Also, you should get at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day. Exercise relaxes the mind and has a positive influence on mood. Taking long walks is also a good idea as walking improves sleep quality. 
  • In addition, supplements, over-the-counter products and medication can provide support. We will soon update our website with products and symptoms they help most with. Always consult a doctor about what is best for you. (You can also book an online consultation on SeeMe-nopause.) 

What if it isn’t enough?

Sometimes a healthy lifestyle isn't enough. If adopting a healthy lifestyle does not provide sufficient relief, talk to your doctor or hormone therapist. During the menopausal transition, levels of oestrogen and progesterone in the body start to fluctuate and decline, which in turn causes levels of serotonin to fluctuate. The neurotransmitter serotonin is a natural mood stabiliser. Low serotonin levels can lead to emotional changes, such as mood swings. Hormone therapy can counterbalance this effect. 

If your symptoms are not caused by hormonal disruptions, then talk to your doctor to find another treatment to help you feel better in body, mind and spirit. 

What else do you need to know?  

  • Menopausal mood swings are often confused with depression. It’s important to know that mood swings and depression should be treated differently.

  • Find out if there is an underlying cause for your low mood. Do you still feel happy in your relationship or job? Are you worrying about something specific or do your mood swings creep up out of nowhere and for no apparent reason?

  • Gloominess may be the only symptom you are experiencing. Even if you don’t notice any menstrual changes or hot flashes, it is still possible to suffer from mood swings due to shifting hormones. Every woman is different and every menopausal journey is unique.

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Reviewed by
Arco Verhoog, Pharmacist
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