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You are most likely menopausal

You are most likely menopausal

The menopause test results indicate that you are most likely menopausal or postmenopausal (the period starting one year after your last period). Do you have symptoms or notice any changes to your period? Whether you’re looking for information, relief from your symptoms or medical advice, we can help you take control during this stage of your life. Remember, menopause is inevitable, but suffering is not!

Want to know for sure if you are menopausal?

The Silex Menopause Self-Test tests urine for the presence of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). An elevated level of FSH can indicate you've entered perimenopause, the first stage of menopause. The test is over 99% accurate and gives a rapid result in less than 5 minutes.

The more you know, the easier it becomes to navigate through menopause. Wies - age 59

How are you experiencing your journey?

Menopause, meaning the entire transition from reproductive to the postreproductive interval in a woman’s life, consists of three stages, beginning with perimenopause. Premenopause is the stage before perimenopause. During this stage, you may have some symptoms, but your period is still regular. As you transition from one stage to the next, you will probably get symptoms. More than 80 percent of women experience symptoms to one degree or another, often troublesome. Whatever discomfort you're currently experiencing, know that support is available. You can find relief in many ways, you just need to know how. View tips and treatment options for your symptoms.

Weight gain
Hot flashes
Mood swings
Vaginal dryness
Heart palpitations
Sleep problems
Menstrual changes
Joint pain
View symptoms

I've been on HRT for six months now. 90% of my joint pain is gone, I have no more vaginal dryness, and I'm sleeping better than I have in years. - Linda (age 49)

Meet our doctors and specialists

Experienced doctors and specialists can help you navigate menopause safely and responsibly. Thanks to their expertise and knowledge, they know exactly what women need to take charge of their health and manage challenges – or when they are suffering needlessly. You have more options that you might think. Meet our expert team.


Who is SeeMe-nopause?

SeeMe-nopause was founded on the initiative of a group of women and is part of the eHealth Ventures Group, a leading organisation specialising in digital health solutions with platforms in 14 countries. 

With a team of doctors and menopause specialists, we provide access to information and supplements. We will also offer medicinal products and therapies in the near future. Our goal is to give women the tools they need to not only survive but thrive through perimenopause and beyond. More about us

What can SeeMe-nopause do for me?

We can help alleviate menopausal symptoms by helping you make minor adjustments to your life and by providing expert support. We make specialist knowledge, scientific advice and medical support accessible. Discover how you can feel more energised, relaxed and balanced by, for example, eating healthier and exercising. There are also supplements to support your health as you go through the menopausal transition. In the meantime, we are working hard to make medical treatments, including hormone therapy, accessible through our platform.

How can I order products or treatments?

SeeMe-nopause forms the link between you, the doctor and the pharmacy. On our platform, with the help of our Decision Aid, you can explore which dietary supplements or (medicinal) products can support you on your journey into menopause and beyond. Some products require a doctor's prescription. This is why you need to complete an extensive medical questionnaire with your order request. A doctor will review your questionnaire and determine if the desired medication is right for you. If so, the doctor will forward your order to the pharmacy. If not, another medicine that suits your needs better may be recommended.  

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