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Dr. Claudiu Avram

Dr. Claudiu Avram works in an emergency department, carrying out immediate assessments and providing medical care to people needing urgent attention. In addition to his emergency medicine work, he also works for SeeMe-nopause and has conducted research on the impact of COVID-19 on diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer.

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Dr. Claudiu Avram is arts en werkzaam op de spoedeisende hulp. Hij helpt mensen die acute, medische zorg nodig hebben en bepaalt welke behandeling iemand nodig heeft. Naast zijn werk als SEH-arts is hij verbonden aan SeeMe-nopause. Ook deed hij onderzoek naar de gevolgen van COVID-19 voor de diagnose en behandeling van baarmoederhalskanker.

Who is Claudiu Avram?

Dr. Avram obtained his Master's degree from the Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timisoara, Romania, in 2002. After graduation, he worked as a resident at the orthopaedic department at Timisoara County Hospital from 2002 to 2004. He went on to work as an ambulance doctor until 2006, and returned to this role in 2009. He completed higher specialist training in emergency medicine and pre-hospital care in 2010 and has been studying for his doctoral degree at the Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timisoara since 2021. Dr. Avram has also conducted research on the impact of COVID-19 on diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer.

What are his professional responsibilities?

As an ED doctor, Dr. Avram specialises in providing emergency medical care in hospitals. He assesses and stabilises patients who enter the hospital's emergency room, conducts additional examinations, provides emergency diagnosis and determines what treatment is needed. In addition to his work as an ED doctor, he also works for SeeMe-nopause. 

Dr. Avram: “I want to use my medical skills and knowledge to contribute to improving healthcare worldwide. I believe that digital health platforms have brought a new dimension to medicine and are impacting people’s lives in profound and positive ways.” 

Online healthcare is impacting people’s lives and well-being in profound and positive ways.

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